Monday, July 2, 2012

Tag: About me

1- Do you have a middle name?

No, I don't have a middle name.

2- Favorite subject in school?

My favorite subject would have to be history, but only the history of the other countries. I would like to travel around the world and I think that's why. The only thing is I think that if you have a good teacher it makes it really easy to like a subject. Well that's my opinion.

3- Favorite drink?

My favorite alcohol drink would have to be an amaretto sour. I love sour candies so I think that's why. I just love the sweetness of the amaretto and the sourness (is that even a word !! ) of the lemon. I really like iced tea too not the long island one just the regular lol.

4- Favorite song at the moment?

My favorite song right now is ''Beat it'' by Michael Jackson. I don't really know why it's just a good song. I think it's because I've been hearing it a lot on the radio lately. The anniversary of his death was last week so you know why.

5- What would you name your kids?

I have no idea. I'm not really thinking about that right now. Sometimes I think of names but just like that. I don't keep a note pad with all the names because anyways the names that I will choose would have to go with their lastnames so.

6- Do you participate in any sports?

No I don't but I wish. I use to love hockey in highschool. I actually wish I could find some girls who would want to play for fun once a week.

7- Favorite book?

I don't have a favorite book. I really don't. For me a favorite would have to be a book that I would read over and over but I didn't find it yet. I did read " Leila Mariée de force" a lot. It doesn't have an autor since it's an autobiography and she didn't want anyone to know it was her.

8- Favorite color?

My favorite color is green. I never wear green but I love it lol. And my favorite color combination is black and gold.

9- Favorite animal?

My favorite animal is the tiger.

10- Favorite perfume?

I don't really wear any perfume so I don't have one. Right now, I'm loving the Daisy Eau So Fresh by Marc Jacobs but that's it.

11- Favorite holiday?

My favorite holiday is christmas yess but not because of the gifts. I never get anything anyways. It's just because I like to be with my family cracking joke it's always fun. And yeah because of the food too.

12- Have you graduated highschool?

Yes I did.

13- Have you ever been out of the country? If so how many times?

Yes, I've been to the states and to Haiti when I was about 3 or 4 and I don't remember anything.

14- Do you speak any other languages?

Besides French and English I only understand Creole but I don't really speak the language. I mean I could if I paid attention a little more but I think that I'm too lazy to keep a conversation.

15- How many siblings do you have?

I have 3 sisters and 1 brother yeah that's enough.

16- Favorite store?

I think it's Sirens because I always find something that I like. Even when I'm not looking for anything specific.

17- Favorite restaurant?

My favorite restaurant right now is ''L'avenue'' it's a place in montreal at mount-royal. If you guys ever come to montreal you have to go it's really goooooood. The only downside is that there's always a lineup.

18- Do you like school?

I do.

19- Favorite movie?

My favorite movie is ''GOODFELLAS''. So good!

20- Favorite TVshow?

My favorite TVshow of all time is ''Friends''. I mean I watch all the reruns. If I could pick another one it would be ''Seinfeld''.

21- PC or MAC?

I never owned a MAC so I can't really answer that one.

22- What kind of phone do you have?

I have an Iphone 4Gs I finally changed my phone. Didn't think I would like it because I was so used to my blackberry but I have to say I'm addicted to my phone!

23- How tall are you?

I'm 5 foot 9. YEAH! I have long legs.

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